I was just having a conversation with my wife about...well, something I can't remember. But I DO know that at some point in the conversation, she said, "Well, if you could, you would work all the...
I have a thousand interests. Truth be told, once you understand the adventure in learning something new, everything becomes an interesting door of opportunity: fixing the air condition, installing...
I've been keenly interested in the latest developments around project management. Up until now, the PMP certification has been built around the PMBOKv6 guide, which is entirely focused on process,...
Thanks to my wife, I've become a schedule-minded person. I wasn't always this way; pre-marriage (which has become a strange, fuzzy blur in my mind), my schedule was always blank. I showed up to my...
A friend of mine was recently giving me perspective on the riots that are consuming our nation. He said, "don't worry, this will soon pass - those who yell the loudest actually do the least." He is...
We live in a "snapshot world." That is, most of our events, news stories, and advice is given from a specific point in time, and a narrative is created around that moment. For example, a hiker is...
It was 2am; exactly two hours past the end of my data center "outage window." I was staring at the strings of network cabling weaving its way in and out of the equipment I had just re-racked,...
I often write these blogs from the porch of my house - the first 30 minutes of the day before I grab some breakfast and start working. During this time, I usually pause for moments of thought and...
A few days ago, I wrote that I’ve found Information is NOT Power; it’s actually quite the opposite. I want to make sure you understand I’m not saying information is bad and that...
Single Lens, Single Focus
I’m hyper-interested in just about…anything. Network technology. Family. Gardening. Guitar. Cooking. You name it – after getting past the initial barrier...
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