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Process and People

planning Jun 15, 2020

I've been keenly interested in the latest developments around project management. Up until now, the PMP certification has been built around the PMBOKv6 guide, which is entirely focused on process,...

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Don't Kill Your Day

planning Jun 09, 2020

Thanks to my wife, I've become a schedule-minded person. I wasn't always this way; pre-marriage (which has become a strange, fuzzy blur in my mind), my schedule was always blank. I showed up to my...

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The First Step of Simplifying: Define Your Technology Project

planning May 29, 2020

It was 2am; exactly two hours past the end of my data center "outage window." I was staring at the strings of network cabling weaving its way in and out of the equipment I had just re-racked,...

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The First Step

planning May 19, 2020

The most difficult step is always the first
So you’re at the point of giving something new a try. You’re not too sure if you’ll like it or not, but you’re at least willing to...

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